Review: KneeBinding Mist


ACL tears are a straight epidemic in a ski town. KneeBinding has recognized this and this small company hailing from Vermont is working to do something about it. This is something I have deep respect and appreciation for. I live in a mountain town and I have managed to find a career that revolves around all things skiing. I have also torn both of my ACLs thanks to the sport to which I devote so much too. Thus, the discovery of the KneeBinding has been a game changer for me. I have spent years skiing carrying around that nagging fear of a “pop” – the pop that puts an end to your season right then and there.

knee binding review

The KneeBinding Field Test

The KneeBinding has helped restore my confidence. Knowing that a binding was carefully crafted with the anatomy of one of our most susceptible joints in mind brings me comfort with each turn. I ski about 70 days each season and have spent most of this season on the KneeBinding. I can honestly say that I have never had a pre-release, knee tweak or scare to this point. I have taken a few falls and each time I have released just as I would hope and suspect would happen. I have heard people say that they think the binding is a bit bigger and more clunky than most but I am happy to exchange a bit of extra weight (hardly noticeable) for the confidence, security and comfort that the binding has brought me.

I heard some buzz about the KneeBinding from some other Aspen Skiing Company employees and knew that they were something I had to try. After all, at what expense does it truly come? The binding cost is comparable to most and for that amount of money you are locking into something that has been meticulously designed to keep your knees as safe as possible. I have not turned back and most importantly have not turned sideways and would be quick to recommend this binding to anyone, advanced or beginner, young or old, male or female.

knee binding rating