#WinterIsComing: Hamstring Exercises for Women


Knee pain, knee injury or knee surgery. We all know a woman, ourselves included, who has suffered or is suffering from knee issues. Soccer, basketball, skiing and snowboarding tend to be major culprits behind injury or pain, but doctor’s are reporting a high-level of less-active women complaining of knee pain.

Unfortunately for us experts believe the female anatomy increases the likelihood of anterior (internal) knee injury. Because of our wider, shallower pelvis cavity and more forward, natural tilt of our pelvis our femurs have a more inward angle, than our male counterparts. So, what do we do? Accept our lot? I think not. There are exercises to decrease the chances of knee injury and rehab an injured knee. It’s all about the hamstring. A high level of hamstring health is key in preventing knee injury amongst women. Listed below are three hamstring exercises for women, compliments of Lee Cherry, In-Home Personal Trainer. These exercises are appropriate for post rehabilitation, general strengthening, and prep for outdoor activity and sports. 

Hamstring ~ Walking Quadricep Stretch with Reach


Hamstring ~ Elevated Foot Split Squat Lunge


Hamstring Diagonal Lift 



  1. Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces also can help relieve knee pain. In some cases, however, your knee may require surgical repair.”^^’

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