Show of hands, who’s been sick this winter? Since this has been one of the worst cold and flu season’s of recent, I’d be surprised if you didn’t raise your hand. Another show of hands, who’s tired of OTC and prescription drugs that harm your organs, and really aren’t that effective? I know I sure am. So, I did some research and found a perfect, all natural cold remedy. It’s a sort of tonic. You add all the ingredients, which include garlic, jalapeno and ginger into apple cider vinegar, and let it steep for a couple of weeks. It may sound a little hokie or backwoods witch-like, but it truly works, and here’s why.
Jalapeno is a decongestant and has twice as much vitamin C than an orange.
Ginger works as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and settles your stomach. Jalapeno’s have twice the amount of vitamin C than an orange, which is essential for immune support while you’re fending off illness. Plus, the spiciness acts as a decongestant. Onion and garlic have anti-bacterial effects and will aid in killing any bug you might have in your system. Sage and rosemary will dry up any mucus. Apple cider vinegar is great for settling the stomach, and will also kill bacteria in its tracks. Bonus, nearly all of these ingredients have anti-carcinogenic, anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s great for sustained health, year-round.
Here, try it for yourself:
1/4 cup ginger root, freshly grated
1/4 cup of fresh jalapeno
4 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup onion, freshly chopped
Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory and digestive aid. It’s also been known to slow or kill cancer cells.
1/4 cup fresh rosemary, chopped
1/4 cup fresh sage leaves, chopped
organic apple cider vinegar to cover (we like Bragg’s)
Combine all the ingredients in a quart-sized mason jar, leaving 1 inch of space.
Shake daily for two to four weeks, then strain all the liquid and save.
Heat and add 1/4 cup of honey until dissolved.
Rebottle, and use as needed.
Note: If you don’t have two to four weeks to wait for an all natural cold remedy, throw the ginger, onion, garlic, jalapeno, honey and apple cider vinegar in a blender for a quick fix.