Get Moving ~ Detox Yoga Poses


Detox Yoga Poses to start your New Year off on the right foot

Detox yoga poses, yoga for detox
Twisting Lunge for Detox

After a month of celebratory eating, January can be a good time to eat clean and move for detox.

One of the many great things about yoga, is that it is designed to assist your body in detox. Yoga is a technology that is based on purifying the body, creating a zeal for health in the body and a genuine desire for spiritual health. If we are on a journey in life, our body is the vehicle, yoga helps keep our vehicle in good working order. Any yoga you do will help to detoxify the body- some poses are more efficient at it than others.

Modified Twisting Lunge, Cleansing Yoga, Cleansing poses
Modified Twisting Lunge

In hatha yoga, a pattern of squeeze/work and release generally starts off the process. Certain poses are more powerful in their aid to detox and elimination. If the goal of a cleanse is to give the organs of elimination a break, poses that build some heat and squeeze and release the digestive track are great for supporting a cleanse.

I’ve chosen a twisting lunge (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) for our Get Moving pose.

Twisting Lunge can either be performed with the knee up for more heat building or can be modified and practiced with the knee down for more support. For more alignment details and a short detoxifying yoga video, visit my website.